Retained Leadership Search

The Source Advisory is a retained executive search firm which offers an array of solutions to support your organization’s talent recruiting and leadership development needs.  Our firm specializes in K-12 education and has performed thousands of searches over the last 20 years.  The Source Advisory conducts searches mainly in the United States but has a global network and has completed searches all over the world, including mandates in Canada, Europe, Africa and Asia.

The firm works across all functional disciplines in executive management and has successfully completed searches for the following specific roles:

  • Head of School

  • Chief Operating Officer

  • Chief Financial Officer

  • Director of Technology

  • Director of Human Resources

  • Director of Marketing & Communications

  • Director of Auxiliary

  • Director of Facilities

  • Director of Athletics

  • Director of Operations

  • Director of Safety & Security

  • Director of Risk Management

  • Director of Development

  • Search Committee

  • Board of Trustees

There’s a lot of great talent. It’s a matter of finding the right talent.


The leaders you need are within reach. We’ll help you level-up your talent and get the necessary edge over your competition in today’s rapidly changing private-independent school market. Powered by our team of experts, no one else in the industry can provide our level of connections, resources, and guidance to help you find the perfect leader for your school.  Our firm provides clients with significant market exposure and access to the most influential candidates in the industry.